Thursday, July 5, 2012


Fourth of July fireworks display at Philadelphia Museum of Art.
© roger barone 2012

Occupy Philadelphia mobilzes. © roger barone/Talk Radio News Service

An occupier dances in the streets as the protest parade heads east along
Market. © roger barone/Talk Radio News Service

Occupiers marching along Broad Street state their cases.
© roger barone/Talk Radio News Service

Occupiers make their way along North Broad Street,
as they head back to camp. © roger barone/Talk Radio News Service
Occupiers stage surprise march through center city, increasing the drama
for city officials and law enforcement agencies.
© roger barone/Talk Radio News Service

Occupiers took advantage of technology to organize marches and food distribution.
In addition, to documenting all the proceedings.
© roger barone/Talk Radio News Service

Corporate Loophole Cheerleader and a Corporate Tax Dodger walk along
Market Street during the Occupy Philly protest.
© roger barone/Talk Radio News Service

Occupiers occupy the Logan Square fountain after fireworks display
© roger barone/Talk Radio News Service
© roger barone/Talk Radio News Service

Occupiers make their way through the overhead passageway tunnel after
the July 4th fireworks concluded. © roger barone 2012

Occupy Philly takes it to the streets moments after the concert on the
parkway concluded. © roger barone/Talk Radio News Service
A patriotic Occupier makes her way east on Market Street on Wednesday
Night. The occupiers marched through city streets after the concert on
the Parkway. © roger barone 2012

Occupy Philadelphia surprised the City of Brotherly Love with a midnight march throughout the city, after the fireworks display at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. About 85 Occupiers marched from the Logan Square Fountain (which was dry) along Arch Street to Twelfth, and east on Market.

There were a couple of minor confrontations with police, but overall the occupiers felt the police "were a lot better than the New York City cops."

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